(function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; window.InlineShortcodeView_vc_pie = window.InlineShortcodeView.extend( { render: function () { _.bindAll( this, 'parentChanged' ); window.InlineShortcodeView_vc_pie.__super__.render.call( this ); this.unbindResize(); vc.frame_window.vc_iframe.addActivity( function () { this.vc_iframe.vc_pieChart(); } ); return this; }, unbindResize: function () { vc.frame_window.jQuery( vc.frame_window ).off( 'resize.vcPieChartEditable' ); }, parentChanged: function () { this.$el.find( '.vc_pie_chart' ).removeClass( 'vc_ready' ); vc.frame_window.vc_pieChart(); }, rowsColumnsConverted: function () { window.setTimeout( this.parentChanged, 200 ); this.parentChanged(); } } ); })( window.jQuery ); JOURNEY OF GOGOS - Toronto Black Film Festival

February 12 - 17, 2025

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Three South African gogos (grandmothers) take on a journey to Europe. As they travel, they tell the true story of gogos, who often replace parents in raising and educating children in South Africa. This raises their mission to the highest level - the future of the nation.

Presented Films

By Pyotr Vinokurov
Documentary Feature